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Friday, October 21, 2011


Dear Club leaders,
This is to inform you that a meeting was held with relevant district officers on Wednesday, 12th October, 2011 to discuss the formation of Leo clubs in Region A.  
It was agreed as follows:
1) To encourage all the  Clubs in Zone 1 & 2  for sponsoring at least one Leo club during this Lionistic year.
2) Club members should be requested to encourage their children to join Leo clubs. Amani club has succeeded to take this initiative to form a Leo club .

3) Schools should be approached for forming Leo clubs in schools /  or enrol students to form Leo clubs
4)  Club presidents should appoint a Leo coordinator who will work with the Distict officers in forming and sponsoring Leo clubs. 
5)  The club Leo coordinators from all the clubs will form a joint committee headed by District chairperson Tz for running and guiding the Leo clubs 
Dear leaders , 
It is high time to look forward and form Leo clubs in the fraternity, it is one of our Lionistic obligations to encourage these children to have the spirit of 'WE SERVE' who can be trained to become future Lions. i  request all the clubs in Zone 1 & 2 to fully support this vision of forming LEO clubs in Region A.
Clubs are requested to submit the name of Leo coordinator from their respective club to the District Chairperson Lion Hussein Nagri at earliest .
With Lionistic regards 
Lion Hyderali. Gangji
Region Chairperson
Region A 




  1. Attn. Region Chairperson
    Dear Lion Hyder Gangji
    It is extremely marvelous news,Amani Club presenting a Leo Club in Dst 411-B. I myself took initiative to select quality young girls and boys from our Lions family. I acheived and found 20 very energetic prospective Leo members.
    Regarding Leo Club issue Lion Naeem, Shenaz and Dr.Hussain helped me. Amani Club requested me to arrange and fulfill all formalities as soonest possible time.
    Next week Amani club organizing their introduction and orientation programme.
    Now we need your full support and assistance. Amani all members expecting your guidence.
    Thanks and Regards.
    Lion Babul

  2. Dear Lion Babul,

    It is a great news from Lions Club of Dar es salaam Amani, forming a leo clubs in Region A is at priority for me for this lionistic year . having a leo club will not only benifit these children but an advantage to your club as your club can always mobilise these Leos as volunteers for your club activities.

    I also wish to advise and recomend all the clubs in Region a to serously look into forming/ sponsoring atleast one leo club this lionsitic year.

    Please make sure you take the required guidance from the District Chairperson for LEO Lion Hussein Nagri ,

    look forward for a circular in this regard very soon.

    Lion Hyder Gangji

  3. Dear Lion Shenaz Nooray, President Amani Club,
    c.c. Lion Babul, ZC

    Congratulations to you, dear President for your club's efforts in forming a LEO club within the children of your club members.
    It is indeed a great idea. Lion Shenaz, your leadership has encouraged your club in the right direction.

    I am sure with the encouragement and support of your Zone Chairman, Lion Babul and other senior Lions you will lead these young LEOS to Lionism!

    The District Chairperson for LEO CLUBS is Lion Hussein Nagri as informed by our RC and his mobile is 0789-751072 and email:

    Lion Zahira Patwa
    Zone Chairperson, Zone 2
    District 411B Tanzania - Uganda
