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Sunday, May 27, 2012


At 9th MD 411B Cabinet Meeting, PID and Board Appointee Lion Manoj Shah impressed on the huge success of Lions Quest Programme in Uganda and Tanzania and attributed it to the insightful leadership of PMCC/PDG Lion Majid Khan together with DG Lion Satish Sharma and their industrious team. “The Lions Quest meeting organized by Lions Clubs International Foundation held at the New Africa Hotel in Dar es Salaam in January 2012 attracted 20 high profile delegates from African countries and India….. to pave way for a steady development of this programme, I conclude here that this has seen tremendous success,” said Lion Manoj.

Lion Manoj also mentioned on the inspiring women leadership in the District that resulted first successful Women Symposium. “I have been told by the Convenor that 23 women had filled in the form of intent to become Lions, this is truly brilliant and ladies keep up with this excellent work,” expressed Lion Manoj.

While discussing on the recent LCIF support, Lion Manoj mentioned that he was deeply grateful to the painstaking work done by Uganda Lions towards the launch of Lions Measles Campaign in Uganda. More than 6ml children would benefit from immunization.

“Despite success of 411B leadership in numerous areas, the challenges of membership still take first place in our agenda. The membership drive needs to be sustained and I am in complete cognisant with what International Director Lion Reddy mentioned that ‘give responsible positions to new members so that while bolstering retention of members it will also serve as an attraction factor to friends around us.’ We need to keep our numbers grow,” expressed Lion Manoj.  

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