Kampala Host Lions Club is actively engaged in carrying out eye screening and surgery using LEBU as a means of expediting services to the needy.
History of LEBU
The Prestatyn, Rhyl Lions Clubs (UK) and Cheadle Lions Club (UK), MD 105, UK through Cheadle Lions Club (UK) started and implemented the Lions Eye Bus Uganda (LEBU) project. The bus was donated and delivered to Kampala Host Lions Club by a team of Lions who arrived in Kampala on the 29/30th May 2011. The members of the Lions team included:
1. VDG 105BS Lion Beryl Roberts (Beaumaris-Menai-Aethwy)
2. PDG 105BS Lion Eric Roberts (Bangor)
3. DO 105BS Special Projects Co-ordinator & Lion President Lion David Field (Cheadle)
4. DO 105BS Newsletter Editor Lion Graham Dow (Cheadle)
5. Zone Chairman Zone 8 105BS Lion Lynda Demaid-Jones (Leek)
6. Lion John Demaid-Jones (Leek)
7. DO MD105 Health & Welfare Chair Lion John Sanders (Stone)
8. DO 105BS Youth Team Chair Lion Glenys Sanders (Stone)
The bus is fully equipped and has two operating beds, cataract operating sets, microscopes etc.. The 1st Vice District Governor of MD 411B and Lion Joseph W. Kiwanuka and other members represented the District.
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