1) Distribution of Ramadhan food PACKAGES
Food Packages worth TShs 30,000/- containing Rice, Sembe, white flour , sugar, salt, cooking oil, beans , dates were distributed to 50 families with low income in the localities of Buguruni, Temeke area. TShs 1,500,000/- was raised through donations from Lions and friends.
2) Food Package worth TShs 200,000/- containing the above items was donated to Hidaya Orphanage in Buguruni.
Both activities were graced by the presence of Lion President Mohamed Lalji, Region Chairperson Region A- Lion Hyder Gangji , Past MCC/ PDG Lion Safder Jaffer, Lion Yusuf Dalal District Chairperson Tz, Lion Salim Sulemanji, Lion Chandu Lakhani, Lion Gulam Dossajee, Lion Nureen Nathoo and Lion Aqeel Asharia.
Lion AqeelAbbas Asharia & Lion Minhal Kassam
Activity Convenors.
Lions Club of Dar es salaam - Host
ReplyDeleteLions Club of Dar es Salaam (Host)
Dear Lion Mohamedbhai,
Thank you for inviting me to witness your two very noble activities on Sunday 14th August, 2011.
You will no doubt agree with me that all of us who attended the activities could mark a sign of relief on the faces of the receipients of these food packages.
The Host club has selected one of the finest activities befitting this holy month of Ramadhan. I therefore congratulate you and your entire membership for carrying out these activities. May God Bless you all.
With Lionistic Regards,