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Monday, August 29, 2011
Festivals are part of our life that we live not to miss but enjoy.
Our lives change. We decorate our homes. We have wrapping paper to cover gifts. Snacks ready to serve every visitor. Greeting cards on the table. Everybody in new clothes. Our schedules change. We rush to pray and then to meet relatives and friends. Pray for our brethren who are no longer with us.
“I wish to all Lions a very joyous EID and happy feasting. May you and your loved ones have a cheerful time that will always make life a wonderful today and superb tomorrow.”
With Lionistic Regards,
Lion Satish Sharma,
District Governor.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Message from Cabinet Secretary
Dear Fellow Lions,
I would like to share the position of our District 411B as at International; and I am very much happy the way our district is moving ahead towards achieving its goal of increasing membership, here-forth are the details:
Membership this month of August:1159
Added Members:32
Dropped Members:1
Closing Balance:1190
Net Gain:31
Membership at start of year:1104
Added Members:94
Dropped members:8
Closing Balance:1190
Net Gain:86
From the above figures we can see a steady move towards achieving our goal of 1250+ membership for our District, and to achieve this goal is not ONE MAN SHOW, this is a collective activity. Therefore I request more thought on family membership as I believe once we start getting families as Lions members into our clubs;the word IMPOSSIBLE will be erased from our dictionary of Lions, and at the same time we will have more shoulders to serve the underprivileged within our society,
I am very much thankful to you all for supporting and giving your valuable time in strengthening our district and association as whole, wishing you all the best and success for this Lionistic year 2011-2012.
Yours Friendly in Lionism,
Lion Manish Chavda,
Cabinet Secretary.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Lions Club of Amani Assist the Needy during the Month of Ramadhan
(a) Food ration was distributed to the needy people at Dr. Hassan Hussein's clinic. This event was attended by ZC Lion Shofiuddin Babul, Club President Lion Shenaz Noray, Lion Naeemullah Dar, Lion Dr. Hussain and a good number of recepients.
(b) A similar project was conducted at Msimbazi Deaf Centre, Dar es Salaam where our Charter President Lion Dr. Hussain donated food worth just more than 250,000/TShs.
(c) Third project this month was again food distribution to Hassan Orphans Centre, Mbagala (maji matiti area). We were greeted by not less than 80 inhabitants of the centre. President Shenaz Noray spoke about Lionism and our sympathetic nature to the needy and disabled members of the community. Her speech was well covered in WAPO FM 98.0 radio. The coverage was also screened on ITV and Capital.
Lion Shofiuddin Babul as ZC of our club attended the event along with other members.
Monday, August 22, 2011
The Guidelines for Cabinet & District Officers
Some of the main functions of a District officer as per the DG Handbook are:
1) Help the clubs in implementing the District goals for the portfolio given to you.
2) Ensure a quality and sustainable growth of Lionism.
3) Evaluate the District goals
4) Inform the clubs about the District goals for the portfolio given to you
5) Plan with the clubs suitable activities
6) Motivate and educate the club in implementing activities under your portfolio
7) Report all club actions to District Governor
8) Communicate with the clubs regularly
9) Manage and co-ordinate activities with the clubs constantly.
10) Make sure the clubs report their activities to you for further reporting to District Governor.
11.) Maintain information about available print, audio, video resources for your portfolio
12.) Inform the clubs about the District contest and stress its importance with respect of your portfolio.
13) Issue regular circulars to the clubs in respect of your portfolio
14) Be available for presentations at zone meetings & cabinet meetings.
15) Co-ordinate and exchange information to clubs.
16) Report your performance to District Governor.
The above mentioned functions will help the District Officer in performing their duties for the betterment of the DISTRICT 411B and Lionism in general.
Lion Hyderali Gangji
Region Chairperson
Region A
LCIF International Assistance Grant Application
1. Introduction: Since 1968, LCIF has awarded more than 10,268 grants, totaling more than US$729 million.
2. Who can apply for a grant? LCIF only awards grants to multiple districts, districts, and clubs. However, for certain types of grants, such as International Assistance Grants (IAGs), an individual club can also apply.
3. What types of grants are there?
§ Standard Grants are the most common type of grant, awarded for large-scale Lions’ humanitarian projects. Standard grants provide matching funds of up to US$75,000, and must be for projects that serve a large number of people and are beyond the scope of a district or club to carry out alone. Developed countries must provide 50% of project funding; developing countries must provide 25% of funding.
§ IAGs foster partnerships between Lions clubs in developed countries and those in less-developed regions. Awards are between US$5,000 and US$30,000, and can be used for projects such as medical missions, health care, clean water and sanitation, or education and literacy.
§ Emergency Grants assist Lions in helping their community following a natural disaster. The district governor must apply for the grant within 30 days of the disaster. The maximum for the grant is US$10,000. Funds must be used for immediate needs like food, water and clothing.
§ Major Catastrophe Grants are awarded by the LCI President and the Chairperson of the LCIF Board of Trustees for major disasters, such as the Haiti Earthquake or the South Asia Tsunami. Lions do not apply for these grants.
§ Core 4 Grants fund large-scale projects in specific areas related to Lions’ four core service commitments: preserving sight, combating disability, promoting health, and serving youth.
§ SightFirst Grants are awarded to fight preventable and reversible blindness. SightFirst grants can be used to build hospitals and clinics, train doctors, distribute medicine, and raise awareness of eye-disease. SightFirst Technical Advisors help Lions’ districts and MDs develop grant applications and proposals in these areas. Grants have helped to fight cataract, river blindness, trachoma, and diabetic eye disease, among other things.
4. How do you apply for an LCIF Grant? Most applications are available on the LCIF website:, or you can contact the foundation by email at, or by phone at +1-630-468-6769 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +1-630-468-6769 end_of_the_skype_highlighting to request materials or you may contact me on for assistance.
5. How do I know if my project qualifies for a grant? Review criteria on LCIF’s web site. The project must address an important humanitarian need, serve a relatively large population, be cost effective, and be beyond local fundraising capability. Most LCIF grants match local funding, so local Lions must show strong support for the project. Projects must have a strong Lions identity and involvement. All applications (except for Emergency grants) must be endorsed by the district cabinet.
6. What is the approval process for grant applications? Most applications are reviewed by the LCIF Board of Trustees. Some applications, such as SightFirst and Lions Quest, are reviewed by an advisory committee which includes members of the Board. The Board or advisory committees can approve, deny or table applications. Tabled applications can be reconsidered at a future meeting if questions or concerns cited by the committee are satisfactorily addressed.
7. Applications are considered incomplete or can fail to meet grant criteria for many reasons, including:
§ Project does not address a strong humanitarian need for an underserved population, or does not serve a large population.
§ Project has little or no Lions’ identity.
§ Budget includes items that do not meet LCIF criteria.
§ Local Lions’ match does not meet requirements of the grant request.
§ Budget is incomplete, or expenses and income budget do not equal.
§ Project has already taken place.
8. Application deadlines: Grant requests over US$10,000 must be submitted to the Grants Department at least 90 days before a scheduled LCIF Board of Trustees meeting. Applications can be received throughout the year for projects requesting US$10,000 and under and takes a minimum processing time of 8 weeks. Suitably, Lions Clubs Calendar of Events should be followed.
Lion Rizwan Qadri
District Convenor
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
It was all jubilation on Monday 8th 2011 at Entebbe Airport when Catherine Nalusiba and her sister Monica returned from Bangalore-India, where the former underwent a successful valve replacement. However this wouldn't have happened without the mention of the people below.
- IPP-Mr Renigald Mengi
- Lions Club Of Dar Es Salaam Host
- Lion Dr. Kanabar
- Lion Shiraz Rashid
- MCC/PDG Lion Shem Bageine
- The Indian High Commission-Uganda
- Lion Titus Sewanyana
- And Staff of Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospital-Bangalore-India
May the lord award you all in abundance as "WE SERVE"
Lion Titus Sewanyana,
Personal Assistant To
Lion Hon Shem B. Bageine
1) Distribution of Ramadhan food PACKAGES
Food Packages worth TShs 30,000/- containing Rice, Sembe, white flour , sugar, salt, cooking oil, beans , dates were distributed to 50 families with low income in the localities of Buguruni, Temeke area. TShs 1,500,000/- was raised through donations from Lions and friends.
2) Food Package worth TShs 200,000/- containing the above items was donated to Hidaya Orphanage in Buguruni.
Both activities were graced by the presence of Lion President Mohamed Lalji, Region Chairperson Region A- Lion Hyder Gangji , Past MCC/ PDG Lion Safder Jaffer, Lion Yusuf Dalal District Chairperson Tz, Lion Salim Sulemanji, Lion Chandu Lakhani, Lion Gulam Dossajee, Lion Nureen Nathoo and Lion Aqeel Asharia.
Lion AqeelAbbas Asharia & Lion Minhal Kassam
Activity Convenors.
Lions Club of Dar es salaam - Host
Monday, August 15, 2011
LION GUDO and her nephew died in a car accident on August 13th 2011 enroute to her MBARARA HOME from KAMPALA. On behalf of Lions fraternity of TANZANIA, I wish to join our fellow lions of UGANDA in expressing our grief to the passing away of beloved GUDO ALHUWALIA.
Her exemplary contribution to the District 411B as a most active
Lion, who combined powerful analysis, clarity of vision and purpose, with amazing array of capacities in promoting education and social justice will remain unforgettable.
GUDO will always remain within our hearts, and our heartfelt condolences go to her entire family members and the lions of MBARARA. May Almighty Lord give you strength and courage to face this difficult moment. Our sincere thoughts and prayers are with you.
With our deepest sympathy,
PDG / PMCC – M. D. 411
Saturday, August 13, 2011
On 8th August 2011, Lions Club of Dar es Salaam carried out orientation program of its 3 new members that also benefited the 18 club members who attended. The first part of the orientation ceremony covered Our Illustrious History, Purpose, Ethics and You which was carried out by Lion Bimal Choksi, District Officer for Retention and Orientation. Zone Chairperson Lion Zahira carried out Your Club, Your District and Your International Association while District Officer for Lions Information Lion Rizwan Qadri carried out Membership Development, Extension and Leadership.
The Activity was presided over by ZC Lion Zahira, who welcomed all members and emphasised on the need of bringing in quality members. She expressed her desire to see the District grow through induction of more members and praised Pwani Lions for making its members aware of what Lionism stood for and LCIF aspirations.
Zone Chairperson for Zone 1, Lion Shoffiudin Babul also graced the ceremony and conveyed his warm appreciations.
By Lion Rizwan Qadri
Membership DirectorPwani Club
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
A Chalk Walk activity was carried out by Lions Club of Arusha New Century on the 30th July 2011. This walk was in honour of teachers for the hard work exhibited in building a foremost educational society. “The contribution to progress by teachers was thus suitably noted and appreciated by all” noted Lion Manish.
This is the only sponsored walk that takes place in Tanzania annually and duly sponsored by the Club. The Walk commenced from Arusha Secondary School and covered a distance of 5km.
The Walk had a record of 560 students, 25 teachers, 11 Club members and 9 Rotarians. The Regional Education Officer, the Acting District Commissioner of Arumeru, Arusha Member of Parliament, Presidents of both the Lions New Century Arusha and Rotary Club Arusha Golden Sunshine and Head Masters from various schools participated enthusiastically.
Refreshments were served after the walk and 16 Best students from different school were awarded my Cabinet Secretary his personal pins for their outstanding academic performances. The oldest person to walk was Rotarian Harry. He was awarded by Cabinet Secretary Lion Manish with a Lions participation medal.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
The district dues has been calculated on the basis of membership of each club as per re-cap received from Lions Clubs International dated 30th June 2011 . The district dues are $ 20 as district dues and $ 2 for multiple district dues. Total $ 22 per members has to be paid to District Treasurer before 15th September, 2011.
Lion Kishore Simzia
Lion Kishore Simzia
Monday, August 1, 2011
Dear Fellow Lion Members,
Greetings to you all from Arusha.
On behalf of our District Governor Lion Satish Sharma and his team, we wish you and your families a very happy Ramadan Kareem. May prayers in the holy month of Ramadan bring you more prosperity, faith, satisfaction and divine love for the Almighty Lord.
God bless us all.
Yours sincerely
Lion Manish Chavda,
Cabinet Secretary
MD 411B
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